10 Foods to Increase Energy & Improve Gut Health

10 Foods to Increase Energy & Improve Gut Health

8 min read


24 May 2024

Supercharge your day…

  1. What are probiotics?
  2. What are prebiotics?
  3. Foods to improve gut health and energy
  4. What else can you do to improve your gut health?
  5. Your gut health checklist

They say you should sometimes “go with your gut”, so it’s important to get your digestive system into shape. If it’s not, you’ll soon discover areas of your health that are failing.

The importance of gut health has never been clearer. It’s not just your gut you’re looking after, it’s a whole host of bodily functions that rely on your gut performing at its best.

If you have poor gut health, you’re likely to suffer from both physical and cognitive health issues, as essential nutrients that allow you to perform at your best will be missing from your system.

So, let’s get your guts into shape.

The benefits of improved gut health include…

  • Improved digestion  
  • Better immunity
  • More energy
  • Better mental health
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Reduced Inflammation
  • Less risk of chronic diseases
  • Improved nutrient production

So getting your gut into shape is a big deal if you want to perform to your best potential, and the good news is that there are two things you should be looking for to get you on the right track: Prebiotics and probiotics.

What Are Probiotics?


Also known as “friendly bacteria”, probiotics are live microorganisms that help to promote gut health and help to maintain a healthy gut microbiome by fighting harmful bacteria. 

They can help to combat issues such as IBS, digestion, heart health, and stomach upsets, when consumed in healthy amounts.

What are prebiotics?

Prebiotics are dietary fibers that work by helping to feed friendly bacteria. They act as food for probiotics, which helps to stimulate their growth and activity.  

When prebiotics reach the colon they’re fermented by the gut bacteria, which produces energy for your cells and supports a healthy environment in the gut.

In addition to their gut health-boosting benefits, both pro- and prebiotics offer many perks, including helping to boost your energy, reducing your risk of certain cancers, preventing blood sugar spikes, lowering cholesterol, and improving your heart health.

Foods to improve gut health and energy

yoghurt and nuts

Getting a good mixture of both probiotics and prebiotics is essential for digestion, immunity, and your overall health. 

Here are some of the top performers from both categories which will help you to improve and support your gut health.

1. Greek Yogurt (probiotic)

When it comes to powerful probiotics, they don’t come much bigger than Greek yogurt, which contains a high percentage of friendly bacteria. 

Greek yogurt is made by fermenting milk with live bacteria and generally contains a higher amount of probiotics than regular yogurt, due to the straining process.  Greek yogurt is versatile and can be added to a variety of meals, including breakfast cereals and desserts to give you a real probiotic punch.

2. Kimchi (probiotic)

If you’re familiar with Korean cooking, you’ll have encountered Kimchi at some point. It’s a fermented cabbage packed full of healthy nutrients, including a healthy dose of probiotics and antioxidants. 

This gut-boosting stuff is fermented with friendly bacteria like lactobacillus and is a great side dish for a main meal.

3. Sauerkraut (probiotic)

Like kimchi, sauerkraut is made by fermenting shredded cabbage with lactic acid bacteria. This makes sauerkraut a high-quality source of probiotics such as lactobacillus. 

For the biggest probiotic boost, make sure your sauerkraut is as fresh as possible, and it’s a great addition to a salad for a gut health boost.

4. Tempeh (probiotic)

Tempeh is made by compressing soybeans. Due to its funky fermentation process, tempeh is both a probiotic and a prebiotic. 

This means you’ll get a double boost of gut-boosting goodness if you include tempeh in your diet on a regular basis.  It’s perfect to add as a side dish to any main meal.

5. Kefir (probiotic)


If you want to really pack a punch with your gut health, put kefir on your list. It’s a dairy-based drink which has both a high-protein and probiotic content. 

A recent study showed that the probiotics contained in kefir help with gut health, as well as having a whole host of other health benefits. 

The fermentation process also breaks down the lactose, which makes it great for those who suffer from lactose intolerance, as well as containing compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the gut. 

6. Artichokes (prebiotic)

Artichokes are the perfect prebiotic as they contain inulin, a fiber known to promote gut health and other health benefits, such as improving bone strength, cognitive function, and blood pressure regulation.

7. Garlic (prebiotic)

There are numerous health benefits to be had from consuming garlic, including providing probiotic food for the bacteria in your digestive system. 

It’s also great for helping with immunity. Garlic is highly versatile and can be added to your main meals for additional gut support.

8. Mushrooms (prebiotic)

Mushrooms can be considered a superfood because of their health-boosting properties. They’re great for helping to prevent gastrointestinal diseases, and can even help with your blood sugar levels. 

As mushrooms are packed with prebiotic fiber, they help to provide food to friendly bacteria to help with your gut health. 

Mushrooms are a great side dish, and you can easily enjoy their gut-boosting properties by whizzing them up into a soup. Yum.

9. Oats (prebiotic)

There are few better breakfast choices than oats. They’ll help set your body up for the day, and getting a prebiotic boost first thing in the morning is a positive start. 

Oats are packed with complex carbohydrates, plant-based protein, and fiber, making them an excellent choice for gut health and energy.

10. Soybeans (prebiotic)

Soybeans are high in nutrition. They’re also packed with protein and complex carbohydrates, as well as fiber, essential vitamins, and minerals. 

This highly nutritional mix means they are great for promoting gut health as a prebiotic. Soybeans are often overlooked, but adding some to your diet on a regular basis will have a highly positive impact on your gut health.

Read: Gut Health And Testosterone: What You Need To Know.

What else can you do to improve your gut health?

man running

It’s essential that you keep on track with your diet and know which foods will help you to promote gut health. But there are other things you should consider to help you improve your microbiome, too. 

If you put these into practice alongside a diet full of probiotics and prebiotics, you can expect your digestive health to improve considerably.

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps your digestive system work to its full potential. A 2022 study found that keeping hydrated was essential to gut health. To stay hydrated, try to drink three to four liters of water per day.

Manage your stress levels

Too much stress can have a detrimental effect on your gut health. Try to manage stress through techniques like better time management, meditation, yoga, and exercise. 

Take some time out for yourself each day to enjoy yourself and take some downtime. If you don’t put the brakes on at least once a day, you’re likely to encounter digestive issues.

Live a healthy lifestyle

It goes without saying that the healthier lifestyle you lead, the better your overall health will become. But there are some habits that will help both your energy levels and gut health if you can cut down on them or ditch them entirely. 

Smoking, for example, can have a detrimental effect on many aspects of your health and has been shown to harm your digestion. Too much alcohol can also be disruptive to your gut health.  

Get plenty of sleep

A recent study showed that a lack of sleep can add to your stress levels, so you must get at least eight hours of quality sleep each night to keep your gut healthy. 

Exercise regularly

Regular physical activity is essential for gut health as it raises the heart rate, enabling oxygen and nutrients to be delivered around the body. 

Keep yourself physically active to ensure your body is working to its fullest potential, and your gut will thank you for it.

Know which foods to limit

processed foods

Knowing the foods to limit may be just as important as knowing which foods to include when it comes to your gut health. 

There are certain foods that can be huge disrupters when it comes to your gut, so it’s a good idea to get familiar with them.

Processed foods

Processed foods are harder to digest so it’s a good idea to limit or avoid them so your digestive system isn’t working overtime. 

Food like fries, cookies, frozen food, and fast food should be seen as treats and not as part of a regular balanced diet.

Red meat

Those looking to pack a protein punch into their diet will look for red meat, but it’s a good idea to limit the amount you consume on a weekly basis. 

Yes, it’s full of nutrients that will be beneficial to your health, especially if you’re physically active, but they’re not so easily digested. Those who eat a lot of red meat can find they have higher levels of inflammatory gut bacteria.

Fried foods

Another type of food to limit is the fried stuff, as it can be harder to digest. If you have some now and again as part of a healthy diet, there should be no issues. But if you’re a regular fried food eater, you can expect some gut health issues.

Refined carbs

Refined grains like white bread and pastries are low in fiber which can quickly spike blood sugar, potentially feeding harmful gut bacteria. It’s a good idea to limit this type of food in favour of more gut-friendly options.

A diet high in processed or fried foods and low in fiber can be detrimental to a healthy gut microbiome. For great gut health, we recommend focusing instead on minimally processed, nutrient-dense whole foods.

Read: How to add testosterone-boosting foods to your daily diet.

Your gut health checklist

To improve your digestive health and energy it’s essential to look after your overall health, and a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can work wonders for your gut.

  • Gradually introduce foods that contain a high percentage of probiotics and prebiotics.
  • Look for foods that are high in fiber
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Ditch the unhealthy habits
  • Limit fried and processed foods
  • Get plenty of sleep and exercise
  • Manage your stress levels

Your gut health should be a top priority when it comes to looking after your overall health, as poor digestion means your body won’t get the essential nutrients if it needs to perform to the max.

TestoPrime helps to reduce cortisol levels, tackle stress, and improve digestive health while increasing your energy. It’s the perfect support for your gut health.